设计应该是一个3 d的运动鞋在设计上类似于两个附加的例子。设计应包括只有一个鞋鞋(右)。在某种程度上我们可以另左鞋,但是现在,只合适的鞋。鞋应该设计为数字鞋类。设计应该包括我们的标志马克(“闪电博尔特”),附属于这个短暂的。我也附上我们的标志以供参考。使用我们的商标没有鞋,但商标标志。鞋的设计应该是一个未来和现代运动鞋/运动鞋。设计应该类似于附件例子和类似于流行的耐克鞋,阿迪达斯和其他鞋类品牌——特别是那些人收集鞋子。注意,其他鞋品牌是我们的竞争对手。 The shoe should look realistic, like the attached examples. The shoe will not be made in real life. It’s just for “digital” use. So it does not have to be something that would be functional to wear in real life. Parts of the shoe should have the glow lighting effect that you see in the examples attached. The shoe should NOT be a “high-top” sneaker. It should be a running sneaker like the Atari and Adidas sneaker examples attached. Parts of the shoe should be designed so that they can be customized. The parts of the shoe that can be customized should be put into sub collections (folders) inside Blender/3D editing software. This way, many variations of those parts can be customized and combined to make unique shoes. For example, the sole of the shoe should be in a sub collection (sub folder). So that in the future, we may have you design 10 different versions of the sole for the shoe, such as different colors or slightly different shapes. These can then be changed in and out to create totally different unique versions of the shoe with the other parts of the shoe. After this contest/project is completed, we’ll do another one-on-one project to generate lots of different versions of the shoe by having you create different versions of those shoe parts. So it’s important the shoe is set up with the parts in different sub collections (sub folders). Therefore, depending on how your design of the shoe looks you will want to put each of the shoe design elements as their own model in sub collections (sub folders). For example, each of the below would be in their own sub collection / folder: 1. Midsole 2. Tongue 3. Laces 4. Logo Mark (bolt) 5. Quarter 6. Vamp 7. Collar 8. Tip 9. etc… I’ve attached a diagram with parts of a shoe for reference. You do NOT have to have the shoe look like the diagram or have the parts listed in the diagram. This is just for reference so that you know what the names of the parts of a shoe are called. You should use Blender or a 3D editing software that is compatible with importing the design into Blender (and keeps the hierarchy of sub collections / folders when imported). For reference on how to organize the parts of the shoe into sub collections / folders, refer to this YouTube video and Blender addon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnJ9EmHI31s We will be using that plugin to generate the different unique versions of the shoe. If we choose your design for this contest, there may be additional related projects we do with you to customize features on the shoe (as described above).