Prime Greetings是一家位于底特律地铁的精品贺卡工作室。beplay官方下载苹果版我们为您生活中的每一个特别的人提供个性化的、富有想象力的、独一无二的贺卡。我们的目标受众是25岁及以上的女性。简单介绍一下我自己:在我三年前加入这家公司之前,我做了15年的网站设计/开发人员。在我忙于公司的其他事情之前,我曾经设计过所有新的贺卡。我也是一个音乐家。我制作电子休闲歌曲。查看我的一些艺术作品和音乐的灵感/风格参考:ample .ink/NjDnB
父亲节贺卡获胜者:我将选择8个设计获胜者-每个类别1设计。然而,对于这次比赛,我只会选择一个设计作为获胜者。卡片规格:贺卡的尺寸为9.75 x 7.75, 1/8英寸。我附上了一个详细说明所有要求的模板。您必须使用此模板。请不要删除指南。说明:我附上了一个word文档,有许多不同的诗句(前面和里面的文本)。请用附上的诗句制作一张贺卡。随着比赛的进行,我可能会增加更多的诗句。设计要求:要有创意。 HAVE FUN. 1.) Adjust the colors of the Prime Greetings logo to match the design of the card. Adding an extra design is a bonus. 2.) Avoid using characters unless specified (Don't use human characters). 3.) Leave room for the customer to write a personal message and make sure that area has a light background so they can write with a black/blue pen 4.) Leave in the template lines in the final files (They are used for production) Once you submit your design, you can track how your design is doing by the following rating system: 5 Star Rating: If you have a five-star rating, I will be purchasing that card. Depending on the competition of that specific category, I may change the text. 4 Star Rating: If you have a four-star rating, I will most likely be purchasing the card, but if there is a lot of competition in that specific category, I may not. There is also a possibility of repurposing that card for a different category. 3 Star Rating: If you have a three-star rating, that means with revisions, I will consider purchasing the card. 2 Star Rating: I like your style of artwork, but the design doesn't work. 1 Star Rating: Not interested Suppose you are one of those people in the 4-5 star range. Once the competition is completed, I will create a 1 to 1 project to make final adjustments and purchase the card(s) from you. I will pay $150-$200 per design depending on how many adjustments you have to make. Deliverables: The final file must be in Illustrator. I need the ability to edit text, so attach any fonts you may have used and either make the illustrator file editable or attach a Photoshop file with edit capability. Along with that, I need 7 product shots of the greeting card. I will send you the templates to create those product shots. I'm available 24/7 if you have any questions or need anything.