我们寻求三个类似的原始设计元素的圣诞节日卡片,Hannukah和新年。1。古董。怀旧。我们寻求一个设计针对表曲棍球球员有美好的回忆曲棍球比赛在圣诞树下找到一个表,然后玩的朋友和家人,他们中的一些人可能已经去世了。表曲棍球,最重要的是,经常带回童年美好的回忆。这些记忆包括表曲棍球比赛在圣诞树下找到一个在圣诞节早晨。玩这个游戏,他们的父亲。玩他们的兄弟,姐妹和妈妈。或者,后来在附近和朋友们玩。2。 We seek a design targeted at local governments and businesses who may not know about table hockey, but are always seeking new sporting events to be held in their community, because that brings tourists and tourists spend money. Focus should be fun and businesses doing well! 3. We seek a design where people with a disability or age or size or height or gender is communicated that (most) anyone can play table hockey on equal terms (unlike most sports). Also, that table hockey brings people together, regardless of language or cultural distance, to share in something they enjoy and having fun. Regularly, people make new friends and often create lifelong friendships with other people from around the world. Unlike most sports, it does not matter how big or tall, old or young, gender and in many cases those physically challenged (with a disability) can play equally against someone without that disability. INDUSTRY We are in the sport tourism industry. AUDIENCE Our audience include people who play table hockey or bubble hockey games in the USA, Canada, European Union and other European countries, e.g. Russia. Many of those who play table hockey share a similar experience and fond memory: finding a table hockey game under the Christmas tree and then playing with their brothers, sisters, and parents. Our audience also includes the sport tourism industry; those communities who want to encourage events to be operated in their community. That brings tourists, addition money (tax dollars), and places the media's attention to their community. That helps their community. Should it matter to your design or ideas, the major languages involved include English, French, Russian, Swedish, Finnish, Ukrainian and Baltic countries. MUST INCLUDE * The WTHA's USA and Canadian logos must be used. INSPIRATION TO HELP YOU * Snow flakes. Maybe snow resting within and atop the WTHA logos. * A table hockey game, could include a portion of a bubble hockey game * Reference to playing ice hockey on a pond surrounded by trees * Peeking through a snow covered window to see family playing table hockey with a Christmas tree or Menorah in the background * A Christmas tree * Jewish menorah * New Years' baby or clock * Some of these could be watermarks or faded in the background The card should read, 1st page, front page of card, * WTHA logo with snow or snow flakes * Merry Christmas! * Happy Hanukkah! * Joyeux Noël ! * Счастливого Рождества ! 2nd page, * your ideas and artwork 3rd page, top * Wishing You and Your Family Good Health, Wealth, and Happiness in the New Year! * Je Vous Souhaite, à Vous et à Votre Famille, une Bonne Santé, de la Richesse et du Bonheur pour la Nouvelle Année ! 3rd page, bottom, From Your Friends at the World Table (& Bubble) Hockey Association De Vos Amis de l'Association Mondiale de Hockey sur Table (et Bulle) 4th page, back On the back of the card, let's place the logo of The Table Hockey Show and invite people to listen using Apple's Podcast app. https://thetablehockeyshow.com Bottom of page www.WTHA.com World Table Hockey Association, Inc. (R) Copyright 2021/2022, WTHA I uploaded a number of files and photos for your inspiration to draw or illustrate art that you create. In other words, do not use the photos I have included.