嗨,伙计们!我们目前正在开发一个梦幻足球应用程序,需要您的帮助生产一个令人惊叹的设计,将吸引我们的用户。颜色方面,我们认为是深灰色/黑色和绿色,但你可以随意选择你认为最好的颜色。(见附件设计文件从以前的幻想足球应用程序。你可以使用这个应用程序的风格作为灵感,如果你喜欢)因为版权法,我们不会使用任何俱乐部的标志或球员形象,但我们可能会在未来这样做,在设计时记住这一点。现在我们将使用定制球衣类似:https://st4.depositphotos.com/10839834/30324/v/950/depositphotos_303241190-stock-illustration-realistic-soccer-shirt-2020.jpg。这些球衣将放置在有俱乐部标志或球员形象的地方。请仔细阅读屏幕的功能,如果您有任何问题,请告诉我们。我们现在将设计5个屏幕,但在未来可能的项目中将需要更多的屏幕(15+屏幕)。*****屏幕:一般:用户应该能够查看他的点数,现金和替代计数在每个屏幕上。底部菜单:每个屏幕将有一个底部导航与以下项目: MATCHES (Overview over previous, current and upcoming matches) MARKET (A place where the user can browse, buy and sell players) TEAM/FIELD (A screen where the user can view his team on field as well as what players are on the bench) NOTIFICATIONS (A screen where the user gets notified when a player on his field scores, etc.) MORE (A button that takes you to a screen with a broader menu) Will have a hamburger style icon like: https://designshack.net/wp-content/uploads/reasons-to-avoid-hamburger-icon-368x245.png THE FIRST 5 SCREENS I WANT YOU TO CREATE IS: MATCHES MARKET PLAYER SCREEN TEAM/FIELD NOTIFICATIONS 1. MATCHES: On this screen the user will view upcoming matches. The matches will be grouped by leagues. For each match it will show the team names and the start time or the score if it has already started or ended. It will also show a count on how many players the user has available for each match in this format: 2/4 (meaning the user has two players on field of total 4 players). If you don’t quite understand what I mean by this, don’t worry, just make room for this information somewhere. 2. MARKET: Here the user will browse all of the players. First screen the user will come too is a list of countries (England, Italy, Germany, France and Spain). After the user selects which country he/she will go to a similar list with all the teams from that country. After the user selects which team he/she will be presented with a list of players grouped in position on field (Goalkeepers, defence, midfield and attackers). After the user selects which player he/she will be taken to ”PLAYER SCREEN”: 3. PLAYER SCREEN On this screen the user will be able to purchase or sell player. It will display price, weekly salary, country of birth, which team, which position, which number on jersey and statistics. (In the inspiration files there is some sort of news feed and ”follow” button, we don’t need this.) 4. TEAM/FIELD On this screen the user can to substitutions to the field. It will be a big green field where the user can drag players from the bench above to the field. It will be a counter of how many substitutions the user has left somewhere and legends letting users know what the different symbols mean. 5. NOTIFICATION On this screen the user gets his notifications when a player scores, wins a game, etc. It will be similar to Facebook’s notification page. It will also display how many points and cash the user got from that particular event and how many players where involved (see inspiration files)