我们非常满意的标志和玛莎的在比赛中尝试。玛莎PIA总是给了我们不同的个人标志。这就是为什么我们选择她作为获奖设计师。不幸的是玛莎赢了比赛之后创建logo和品牌包装的名片,facebook覆盖,信笺等。Beplay3体育365玛莎只是上传相同的标志(数据)每一个类别(例如一张名片,而是标志数据)。没有改变任何东西。我们觉得玩,因为它说,她经历了所有的比赛。我们不得不提醒给我们额外的5种不同类别的数据类型。玛莎只是交付3中的5个。然后我们不得不又问寄剩下的数据的。 Then she finally did. I think it is quite unprofessional that the client has to remind the designer, on which work has to be delivered, especially that at this time most of the work (the logo itself) was done and has just to be put in different formats. It was like after winning, there's no need to give more effort. Recommendation: Good for Logo, but not for a holistic work like brand packaging. We feel Marsha might be unexperienced by whole works like brand packaging.