NuGen Automation是一家以效率为导向的技术公司,专注于为全球油气行业开发和实施SCADA(监控和数据采集)系统、信息技术、泄漏检测、合规和控制室管理。
我们寻求一个设计为我们即将到来的贸易展览摊位:展销会后墙横幅(10’x92”幻影框)讲台(38“x28 14日)3。四个自由站立的横幅我们将使用天际线展览10'x92 "幻影框架。它有4 - 29.25“x 92”黑色圆形末端面板。它还配有一个Transporter Case Table,尺寸为14英寸x28英寸38英寸。桌子将需要简单的白色与NuGen标志在它。展位将在标准的6英尺桌子或运输箱桌子后面,我们的工作人员站在桌子后面和周围,欢迎潜在的客户。因为我们大多数时候会有一个表格,所以我们需要确保关键信息放在黑板的高处,这样它就不会丢失。该展位将在北美各地使用,不同的房间大小。 90% of our clients come from the oil and gas industry and the remaining 10% are other miscellaneous companies who require the various IT services that we provide. Having said that we want the look of the background to be industry agnostic so that people do not think that we only work for the oil and gas industry. The goal of the design is to attract attention to our company's service lines. The “NuGen Total Solution” as we call it, is simply the ability to look at a project holistically. Not just IT, not just SCADA, not just compliance etc., but the whole project and how decisions impact each piece. A simple graphic we have used to illustrate this will be provided. The points we are emphasizing for this project are: • SCADA Services (Free standing banner 1) o SCADA Application Development o Turn-Key SCADA Systems o Staff Augmentation • Full-Service Managed IT Services (Free standing banner 2) o Network / Server Administration o 24x7 Help Desk Support o Security Services o SCADA System Patching o Application Development • Control Room Management (Free standing banner 3) o Control Room Management Suite o Control Room Engineering and Construction • Compliance Services (Free standing banner 3) o Audit Support o Documentation and Technical Writing o PHMSA/DOT Compliance Gap Analysis Services • Leak Detection Systems (Free standing banner 4) o Volumetric Mass Balance w/Line Pack o High Fidelity Leak Detection The above list of brief "bullet points", though they do not have to be in that format, highlight what our company can do for these prospects. A detailed service offerings spreadsheet will be provided in case there is more information that you would like to use. We are open to different ways of presenting this information, or to different wording of the specific points, as long as the result is easy for customers to see across the room and to get an understanding at a glance of what we can do for their business, to maximize the number of clients who will approach our table and start a conversation. Again, we will provide a simple example of what we have done in the past…it does not need to be specifically added, it will be for example. You can get a better understanding of our company by visiting our site, or by looking at the included company pdf. We have a preference for the use of: Hexagons White backgrounds Company colors only, except for any full color photos used. Some designs that I have seen that I like are: