这是我在99Designs上的第一场比赛。我可以立即告诉您的是它的名称是真实的。当然,您一定会获得99个设计。实际上,我收到了223!(包括修订)。但这也很激烈。一旦设计开始涌入,回顾设计并提供反馈几乎成为一项全职工作。那不是一件坏事,但我只是没有为此做好准备。最后,我有几种非常好的设计可供选择,只选择一个赢家很难。我会说我对最终设计非常满意,但这是一颗完美的明星。 Several of the designers put in a substantial amount of effort and my main concern is that the amount of the contest wasn't enough to compensate them for their work. That's enough to give me pause about choosing 99designs in the future. To 99design's credit, they do offer the opportunity to buy the design of more than one finalist, though I couldn't set the price myself. This is no doubt a good service and with some refinement, it could be a go-to solution for getting the design you are looking for.